14 November, 2010



Teaching Aids
Topic : volume of liquid
Learning area : Measure and comparing volumes of liquid
Learning Objectives : Measure and compare volumes of liquid by direct comparison and by using uniform non standard units.

Group 1

various containers or object  of different sizes






Criteria of these teaching aids
i.                    Possible to be created because  we can find anyway very cheap
ii.                  Things that related in our daily life for example we use glass or cup everyday
iii.                Suitable for all levels of student
iv.                Economical

Group 2
i)                    Flash card

i)                   Worksheets
a-    Table 1
b-    Table 2

Criteria of these teaching aids
1.      Easy to prepare
2.      Very economical
3.      Suitable for all levels of student
4.      The student can see, can touch and they can spell it clearly

Activity   1 (lower students)
Topic : volume of liquid
Learning area : Measure and comparing volumes of liquid
Learning Objectives : Measure and compare volumes of liquid by direct comparison and by using uniform non standard units.

Learning Outcomes;

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to measure and compare volume of liquids by using non-standard units correctly.

Prior Knowledge;

Pupils had learnt how to compare objects: more or less, many or a few, high or low during their previous lesson while learning A Whole Numbers.

Teaching Aids;

Different sizes of containers, a pail of water, cups

more, less


1. Divide the pupils into group of four to do work in their cooperative learning.

2. Appoint one student to be the recorder in the group

3. Give each group 5 set of containers of different sizes, a pail of water and a small cup as the measurement tool.

4. Each group will record the number of cup needed to fill the water in every containers into the form given.
* Also teach the pupils estimation such as half full, full and empty


For this activities pupils will bear in mind that the volume of liquid will be determined based on the containers used. The more bigger containers the more quantities of water is needed to fill in

Table 1: Measure volume of Liquid using non-standard unit.


Number of  cups of water






5. Ask the question
    Which container has the more volume of water ? 
                    container ______
  Which container has the less volume of water ?
                    container ______

Activity   2 (higher students)
Topic : volume of liquid
Learning area : Measure and comparing volumes of liquid
Learning Objectives : Measure and compare volumes of liquid by direct comparison and by using uniform non standard units.

Learning Outcomes;

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to measure and compare volume of liquids by using non-standard units correctly.
Prior Knowledge;

Pupils had learnt how to compare objects: more or less, many or a few, high or low during their previous lesson while learning A Whole Numbers. Make sure that the student can make estimation before  they start the measurement.


more, less, empty, half full, full,

Teaching Aids:
Various small containers of different sizes(plastic cup,glass,mug,bottles), a jug of water.
  1. Divide the class into groups of four students and have them work in their cooperative groups.
  2. Appoint one student in the group to be the recorder.
  3. Give each group a set of containers of different sizes and a large water jug.
  4. Have the students fill the large jug with water.
  5. Have the students estimate the number of cups needed to contain all the water in the large jug.
  6. Have the students fill the bottle to check their estimate.
  7. Repeat for the other containers.
  8. Have the students record their findings in the following table 2
* Also teach the pupils estimation such as half full, full and empty







small plastic container


  1. Have the students write their findings in the statement below:

    The volume of water in the water jug is the same as the capacity of _____bottles.

    The volume of water in the water jug is the same as the capacity of  _____glasses.

    The volume of water in the water jug is the same as the capacity of  _____  plastic cups.
The volume of water in the water jug is same as the capacity of  ______ mugs


          The game “ The champion”

1.       Form 2 groups of 4 pupils. Each group is given 4 cups and a big bottle. A timer is set for this game.
2.      The pupils in group take turns to take water from  a pail. They pour the water into the big bottle. They have to stop when the time up.

1.       Place the two bottles side by side. Compare the level of water in the bottles.
2.      The group with the higher water level wins.

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